Flight Simulator


Read this fellas..

When airplane pilots are training, they spend many hours in flight simulators. These simulators give the students a chance to experience the challenges and dangers of flying an aircraft but without the risk. The pilots don't have to leave the ground, and if they crash in the simulation, they can calmly walk away.

Simulators are tremendous teaching tools- helpful in preparing the aspiring pilot to take command of an actual aircraft. The devices, however, have a shortcoming. They create an artificial experience in which the full blown pressures of handling a real cockpit can not be fully replicated. 

Real life is like that, isn't it? *yes* *the red comment is from me* hahaha
I can not be simulated. There is no safe, risk-free environment in which we can experience life's ups and downs unharmed. The risks and dangers of living in a broken world are inescapable. *setuju*
That's why the words of Jesus are so reassuring *yes it is!*. He said, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33) *kyaaaa!!*

Although  we can't avoid the dangers of life in a fallen world, we can have peace through a relationship with Jesus. He has secured our ultimate victory. *yess amen*

Renungan di atas really really blessed me, menyadarkan gue bahwa selama kita hidup di dunia ini badai masalah rintangan bisa datang silih berganti tapi Tuhan bilang "I have overcome the world!!" I ask God kenapa hidup gue yang berlangsung cukup damai beberapa bulan ini sekarang didatengin badai yang bikin gue unworthy, down enn pusyeeng lahh. Tapi God terus ingetin bahwa He is the center of my life, so all things in my life work together for my good. Mungkin Tuhan melihat bagian dalam hidup gue ini harus diasah berkali-kali karena it's one of my weaknesses. Harus dibarui terus menerus supaya gue bisa total melayani Dia dan jiwa-jiwa. Gue kehilangan peace 2 minggu belakangan ini sampai gue ngerasa frustasi dan bilang "Tuhan please kalo emang badainya belum bisa berlalu, give me a peaceful heart in this storm!" Sampai di sabtu malam kemarin, badai belum berlalu, tapi lewat my night pray and worship i feel His presence in my bedroom. Hadirat itu memberi gue kedamaian di tengah badai..

Anyway, ini sudah terjadi beberapa kali. Kemarin sabtu waktu gue selesai COOL (komsel) dan beberapa Calon Pengerja juga selesai pemuridan, ada salah satu CP yang dengan sangat tiba-tiba meluk gue dengan hangat! Her name is Saaron. Gue sangat yakin bahwa dia nggak tau kalo gue lagi ada masalah tapi dia bisa tiba-tiba peluk gue sambil bilang ciciiiii.. FYI, my love language yang pertama dan sangat dominan itu adalah physical touch. So gue sangat suka sekali dipeluk apalagi kalo lagi ada prob, cuma kan yaa nggak mungkin donk yaa gue bilang ke orang-orang, "ehh peluk gue donk peluk gue." bisa dikira cewe apaaa -__- 
Waktu malem pas doa, gue diingetin soal that hug. Gue merasa seneng waktu dipeluk, ngerasa disayang. Seperti Tuhan tuhh tau apa yang gue butuhkan and He did it lewat si Saaron ini. 

Gue bener-bener merasakan sukacita-nya pelayanan youth yang kaya begene. Ber-interaksi dengan anak-anak abegeh yang suka nempel-nempel, ngerangkul-ngerangkul. Mungkin next time i will tell you more about them. Kali ini gue pasang dulu foto gue sama si Saaron ini, anyway she is a pretty girl =) tapi gue suka gregetan sama poni-nya!hahaha..

Gue merasa muka gue disene kaya umur 17 ketimbang 22 tahun.. hahaha i wish! :p

No life is more secure than a life surrendered to God.

"Jika engkau tawar hati pada masa kesesakan, kecillah kekuatanmu."

"Sebab tujuh kali orang benar jatuh, namun ia bangun kembali, tetapi orang fasik akan roboh dalam bencana."

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